School Curriculum

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News on Junior Cycle Reform

Junior Cycle Curriculum

The Framework for Junior Cycle, provides the basis for post-primary schools to plan quality, inclusive and relevant education programmes with improved learning experiences for all students, including those with special educational needs.

The 24 statements of learning, underpinned by the eight principles, provide the basis for schools to plan for, design and evaluate their junior cycle programmes. That process of planning focuses on the combination of curriculum components (subjects, PLU’s, and short courses) and other learning experiences. Schools will ensure that all statements of learning, alongside the key skills feature in the programmes of all junior cycle students.

Wellbeing is a new area of learning in junior cycle.  The Wellbeing Guidelines

provide schools with support for planning a junior cycle Wellbeing programme.

There is ongoing consultation on all aspects of the Junior Cycle developments. For example, as subject specifications come to be developed, opinion is sought from interested parties at the various stages of the process. Details on the subjects that are currently undergoing a consultation process and those that have been completed are available under the ‘subject’ link. As part of the consultation process, students’ views on their experiences with school developed short courses were sought, and some of these are detailed under the student voice’ link.

The Framework for Junior Cycle is based on proposals that emerged from an extensive process of discussion and consultation, and the documents that were created through that process can be explored under the Research and Background section.

Activities and resources to support schools in planning their programme are explored further under the ‘planning’ section.

We offer the following programmes at the RCS

Junior Cycle

Leaving Certificate Applied

The LCA is a real and practical alternative to the mainstream Leaving Certificate Programme. It is centred around a series of modules and assessment is on a continuance basis. Work Experience is an essential aspect of the course and the LCA is accepted on such prestigious course as the Gardai, The Defence Forces and further education with FETAC progressing to higher education.

Leaving Certificate Vocational Programme

LCVP is a separate subject taken for the two years of Leaving Cert studies. It is based around a portfolio of work (60%) and a written exam (40%) taken in advance of the main Leaving Cert. Universities, colleges and ITs all accept the LCVP grade for points purposes. The LCVP provides students with the opportunity to secure significant points in advance of the intensive Leaving Certificate exam. Students also benefit from a practical subject with benefits accruing over the two years rather than simply with a terminal exam.

Transition Year

Transition Year is currently optional for students and is taken after sitting the Junior Certificate exam and before embarking on Leaving Certificate studies. Transition Year provides students with a variety of experiences and opportunities to mature, explore future career options, take up new subjects, participate in national competitions and forge new relationships


Rosses Community School

Co. Donegal

 Tel: 074 95 21122

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