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Induction Process


Presentations to all sixth classes and invitation to the school issued to all sixth class students. A welcome pack including CD with a virtual tour of the school will be given to all sixth class students.


February - Two day induction

Students will be organised into five small class of between 20 -25 students. They will be assigned a class tutor for the two days and four mentors per class. A special timetable is planned which will allow them to experience all the option subjects on offer. Students will also have Irish, English and Maths classs which will incorporate some assessment. They will meet key personnel and have a tour of the school. PE and Mentoring sessions are also organised. Application forms including our admissions policy and a copy of the school rules will be distributed before the students leave.



Sixth class parents are invited to the school for a presentation, to meet school staff, tour the school and have questions answered. Application forms including our admissions policy and a copy of the school rules which have been signed by both students and parents can be returned.


Rosses Community School

Co. Donegal

 Tel: 074 95 21122

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