Year Head

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Year Heads

Year Heads fulfil a pivotal position in the management of the school.  A Year Head is appointed for each year group with their role being primarily disciplinary in nature.  Disciplinary issues concerning each student in a year group are reported to the year head who keeps a record of such reports.  The year head after liaising with subject teachers and other staff may speak to the student concerned, issue extra written work, contact parents, place the student on report or in Learning Opportunity, and liaise with Deputy Principal, Principal, Guidance and Pastoral Care.  Year Heads follow the card system outlined in our discipline policy.  

1st Year Head: Mr Martin Gibson
2nd Year Head: Ms Lorraine Coyle
3rd Year Head: Mrs Maureen Conlon
T.Y. Mrs Michelle Gallagher
5th Year Head: Mr Tony Forrestal
6th Year Head: Mrs Patricia Graham

Rosses Community School

Co. Donegal

 Tel: 074 95 21122

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